
I'm a first year PhD student at the Hodge Insitute, University of Edinburgh supervised by Darrick Lee and Sjoerd Beentjes. I am part of the EPSRC funded Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Algebra, Geometry and Quantum Fields (AGQ).

In Spring 2025, I'm co-organizing the Applied Geometry, Algebra, and Topology in Edinburgh (AGATE) seminar with Djordje Mihajlovic, Sjoerd Beentjes, Darrick Lee, and Emily Roff.

Previously, I was at ETH Zürich where I obtained my BSc and MSc in Mathematics.

My MSc thesis entitled Optimizing Functions Based on Signed Barcodes was supervised by Sara Kališnik and Steve Oudot, whom I visited as an intern at INRIA Saclay during Fall 2022.
My bachelor's thesis entitled Examining Persistent Homology from Three Different Theoretical Perspectives was supervised by Sara Kališnik.
Siddharth Setlur

S [dot] Setlur [at] sms [dot] ed [dot] ac [dot] uk

University of Edinburgh

Research Interests

I'm drawn to areas of mathematics that lie at the intersection of pure and applied mathematics. In particular, I’ve spent a lot of time working in topological data analysis (TDA), which aims to leverage tools from algebraic topology to analyze data.


denotes first or joint first authorship.


A collection of expository notes I've written:


Talks/presentations that I've given:

Other Activities

In Spring 2022, I helped organize the Zurich Undergraduate Colloquium in Mathematics and Physics.